Sanergy & Fresh Life

Sanergy is a social enterprise based in Nairobi, Kenya with the mission of making hygienic sanitaion affordable, and accessible for everyone. As a co-founder & designer, I have worked on our branding, strategy, and design of the toilets.

Sanergy has a local brand, Fresh Life, under which the FLT (Fresh Life Toilets) are franchised to entrepreneurs in informal settlements. The Fresh Life Operators (FLT owners) maintain the FLT keeping it clean, and make a profit by charging per use of the FLT. Pay-per-use toilets are a standard practice in Nairobi's informal settlements, which is one reason we created the Fresh Life brand; to signal to users that every franchisee maintains a sanitary FLT at an affordable price. Fresh Life reminds users that they have the choice to make positive changes in their lives today.

The FLT is a prefabricated concrete structure that uses a urine diverting squat plate. The urine diverting squate plate is a dry toilet design that eliminates the need for water after use. Members of the Sanergy staff collect the waste from the FLTs everyday, and bring it to a central processing site where it is converted into fertilizer.